Ribbon cutting for new CC Public Safety Center, 8/2/2018 Chisago County Press

The Chisago County Public Safety Center ribbon cutting and official remarks took place Tuesday this week.  County Board commissioners, state legislators and law enforcement agencies were there to mark the start of a new era in the county. Sheriff Brandon Thyen, who is the fourth sheriff to have worked on developing a law enforcement center project for the county,  noted this is the first time the sheriff’s operations and jail and communications have shared one location, adding he is honored to be able to celebrate the facility being given to the public. County Attorney Janet Reiter declared the county looks forward to being able to provide “humane and respectful” rehabilitative services, saying the structure is “more than just a new lock-up” and will help increase offenders’ odds of success beyond incarceration.  The jail began accepting inmates in May and sheriff administration relocated out of the offices at the government center in April.  The center is on the east side of Center City across the highway from Hazelden Betty Ford.

Kelly Thyen